امير گل ڪٽوهر جو بلاگ Amir Gul Katohar's Blog
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Definition of literature review
“The selection of available documents (both published and unpublished) on the topic which contains information, ideas data and evidence written form a particular stand point of views on the nature of topic and how it is to be investigated and the effective evaluation of the documents un relation to the research being proposed”.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
The book selected for `Book review` that is “Art of Middle Management in Primary Schools” written by Peter flaming and Max Amesbury. (2001).
Rational for selecting this book
We are doing our M.Ed 2011 with specialization in Leadership and Management. Naturally we look for a book which would be related to our course specialization and review of same will enhance our understanding about our field. In this connection selected book fulfilled the criteria.
Themes of book
In the book school problems are discussed from management perspective, specially focused on role of middle management. This theory introduced in United Kingdom in 1980 with the aim of improving quality of teaching and enhancing the achievements of learning of pupils, and making schools accountable. However, middle management concept emerged ten years later in 1990. Ideal middle manager is one who has clear vision about his responsibilities, and he must be capable to utilize human and material resources properly. Middle manager may be a teacher, can be member or leader of team. In the process of improvement, development and change, he can face challenges, threats, obstacles, demands and dilemmas. Those actions can make him frustrate and demoralize. However working in team with collaborative and supportive culture he can be exciting, challenging, rewarding and fulfilling. For achievements of tasks and targets flexibility, accountability, critically reflective practice, autonomy and responsibility are considered essential components of success. Researchers identified that collegiate approach is best one for improving schools effectiveness. In that approach middle managers are working collaboratively, with open mind, listening team member’s opinions, and appreciating them publicly. Working in team with sharing vision, interdependent, understanding of task and responsibilities, open communication, trusting and supporting, with creativity and flexibility will lead them towards greater achievements. Middle managers can create such environment to encourage teamwork. Open, clear, honest effective communication tools must be adapted for formal or informal discussion or reports which must be fit for purpose. For middle managers assertive communication is suggested rather than aggressive or passive. For planning, understanding well organized and focused on purpose meetings increase the effectiveness of teachers as a team. Good management must be visionary however middle managers are required to be able to help colleagues for day to day tasks. It will possible when middle mangers be able to develop a system for fair and efficient use of resources. For improvement and development the quality of teaching and learning in schools, middle managers must carry on effective and innovative planning. For same cyclical process is recommended which involving audit, construction, implication and evaluation. Plan should be realistic, clear and achievable. Evaluation should be based upon collaboration, openness and critical reflection. Middle managers will protect their team from stress and be able to manage their own stresses as well. This would be possible with supportive and open culture. Managing time is crucial issue. Time is very valuable and waits for none. It is essential for managers to achieve the tasks and targets in given time frame work. Middle managers must efficient in managing time.
Personal reflections and insights
Indeed this is very useful book for teachers, head teachers to understand the role of middle management. Research proved that the schools who adapt the concept of Total Quality Management Theory have got great success in improvement and development fields. This approach is creating collaborative, supportive, trustworthy, innovative culture in schools. Open communication providing equal opportunities for entire team to share their opinions and ideas. All such steps will build trust among team members.
I have a 19 years experience of working in different Government Colleges of Sindh. There I found that majority among them are working with authoritative and traditional approaches. They feeling very comfort and fit in those prevailing environment. They not welcome new ideas. However among them I saw few who tried their level best to brought change in their respective institution but unfortunately not succeeded. That happened because their efforts were not well structured and plan. They take that risk with out vision and support of teachers, student and, community. Middle managers of our context are very for from literature. In senior professionals have vast practical experiences but they are living their own era which was finished when computer, internet and media made their roots every where in society. Less and minimum use of new innovative technology is our dilemma. Trained teachers are not applying those teaching techniques in classroom learning and head teacher is not providing resources to him. In such situations we must learn lessons from any where which are available.
For change willingness is essential but capacity to transform change is more important. Our educational system for betterment needs positive changes at large. The book “Art of Middle Management in Primary Schools” masterly written from western perspective but we can learn good lessons from it. We can find answers from their research and adopt ideas according to our own context in creative manner.
Art of middle management in primary schools is one good book written in very interestingly with simple language based on practical research and investigation. For making understanding easier author(s) used several charts, graphs, examples and pictures. The book covers many characteristics of Middle Manager as collaborative leader in improvement and development of schools. This is our deliberate action to provide knowledge to leaders who are working as middle managers in educational institution in our own context and also provide them an opportunity of comparative study as they can evaluate their roles and responsibilities and, will be able to play constructive role in change process and development/improvement of schools. Review of this book gave us chance to understand the western perspective about middle management concept and also provides opportunity to make connections from our own context. Over all I recommends this book for reading to all teachers, head teachers, supervisors and students of education as well.
Fleming, P., & Amesbury, M. (2001). The art of middle management in primary schools. London: David Fulton Publishers.
Rational for selecting this book
We are doing our M.Ed 2011 with specialization in Leadership and Management. Naturally we look for a book which would be related to our course specialization and review of same will enhance our understanding about our field. In this connection selected book fulfilled the criteria.
Themes of book
In the book school problems are discussed from management perspective, specially focused on role of middle management. This theory introduced in United Kingdom in 1980 with the aim of improving quality of teaching and enhancing the achievements of learning of pupils, and making schools accountable. However, middle management concept emerged ten years later in 1990. Ideal middle manager is one who has clear vision about his responsibilities, and he must be capable to utilize human and material resources properly. Middle manager may be a teacher, can be member or leader of team. In the process of improvement, development and change, he can face challenges, threats, obstacles, demands and dilemmas. Those actions can make him frustrate and demoralize. However working in team with collaborative and supportive culture he can be exciting, challenging, rewarding and fulfilling. For achievements of tasks and targets flexibility, accountability, critically reflective practice, autonomy and responsibility are considered essential components of success. Researchers identified that collegiate approach is best one for improving schools effectiveness. In that approach middle managers are working collaboratively, with open mind, listening team member’s opinions, and appreciating them publicly. Working in team with sharing vision, interdependent, understanding of task and responsibilities, open communication, trusting and supporting, with creativity and flexibility will lead them towards greater achievements. Middle managers can create such environment to encourage teamwork. Open, clear, honest effective communication tools must be adapted for formal or informal discussion or reports which must be fit for purpose. For middle managers assertive communication is suggested rather than aggressive or passive. For planning, understanding well organized and focused on purpose meetings increase the effectiveness of teachers as a team. Good management must be visionary however middle managers are required to be able to help colleagues for day to day tasks. It will possible when middle mangers be able to develop a system for fair and efficient use of resources. For improvement and development the quality of teaching and learning in schools, middle managers must carry on effective and innovative planning. For same cyclical process is recommended which involving audit, construction, implication and evaluation. Plan should be realistic, clear and achievable. Evaluation should be based upon collaboration, openness and critical reflection. Middle managers will protect their team from stress and be able to manage their own stresses as well. This would be possible with supportive and open culture. Managing time is crucial issue. Time is very valuable and waits for none. It is essential for managers to achieve the tasks and targets in given time frame work. Middle managers must efficient in managing time.
Personal reflections and insights
Indeed this is very useful book for teachers, head teachers to understand the role of middle management. Research proved that the schools who adapt the concept of Total Quality Management Theory have got great success in improvement and development fields. This approach is creating collaborative, supportive, trustworthy, innovative culture in schools. Open communication providing equal opportunities for entire team to share their opinions and ideas. All such steps will build trust among team members.
I have a 19 years experience of working in different Government Colleges of Sindh. There I found that majority among them are working with authoritative and traditional approaches. They feeling very comfort and fit in those prevailing environment. They not welcome new ideas. However among them I saw few who tried their level best to brought change in their respective institution but unfortunately not succeeded. That happened because their efforts were not well structured and plan. They take that risk with out vision and support of teachers, student and, community. Middle managers of our context are very for from literature. In senior professionals have vast practical experiences but they are living their own era which was finished when computer, internet and media made their roots every where in society. Less and minimum use of new innovative technology is our dilemma. Trained teachers are not applying those teaching techniques in classroom learning and head teacher is not providing resources to him. In such situations we must learn lessons from any where which are available.
For change willingness is essential but capacity to transform change is more important. Our educational system for betterment needs positive changes at large. The book “Art of Middle Management in Primary Schools” masterly written from western perspective but we can learn good lessons from it. We can find answers from their research and adopt ideas according to our own context in creative manner.
Art of middle management in primary schools is one good book written in very interestingly with simple language based on practical research and investigation. For making understanding easier author(s) used several charts, graphs, examples and pictures. The book covers many characteristics of Middle Manager as collaborative leader in improvement and development of schools. This is our deliberate action to provide knowledge to leaders who are working as middle managers in educational institution in our own context and also provide them an opportunity of comparative study as they can evaluate their roles and responsibilities and, will be able to play constructive role in change process and development/improvement of schools. Review of this book gave us chance to understand the western perspective about middle management concept and also provides opportunity to make connections from our own context. Over all I recommends this book for reading to all teachers, head teachers, supervisors and students of education as well.
Fleming, P., & Amesbury, M. (2001). The art of middle management in primary schools. London: David Fulton Publishers.
The article selected for review is “Secondary School Leadership Practice in Botswana” ` Implications for Effective Training` written by Bolelang C. PEKHO, PhD, lecturer in Education, University of Botswana.
Main theme
Mr Pekho evaluated the National Education Policy (1996) of his country Botswana. The aim of education policy was to create equal access in schools to all children. But due to flaws’ policy didn’t achieve the targeted goals. Cause of failure was lack of consultation with stake holders and lack of skills among people which were made responsible for implementation the tasks. Huge amount of money invested in construction of new class rooms, purchases of necessary equipments and launched trainings for improvement of class room teachers’ pedagogy skills, but policy makers ignored one important area, which was head teachers’ leadership skill development program. In fact under the circumstances skill development program for heads of secondary schools was necessary in changed scenario. In new arena head teachers’ role was changed from instructional head teacher to educational leader. Author discussed its implementation effects, impacts especially focused on secondary school head teachers. As education expends it was arose new demands and roles for head teacher to play. Planning, budgeting, controlling Supervision of teaching and learning, curriculum implementation, co curricular activities, matters regarding discipline, maintenance of school assets, monitoring of staff, interaction with community, all routine correspondence, and dealing with higher authorities were some more additional responsibilities assigned to them. In entire their services, they never experienced to face such complex issues. Majority of them never availed an opportunity of training for enhancement of leadership skill improvement. “There is need to establish a leadership training policy that will guide leadership trainings of head teachers in Botswana and prepare head teachers for their roles.”
(Pekho, 2008). Training and skill development areas of Headteacher in secondary level were overlooked by policy makers. Researcher suggested that the situation can be improved if Government would involve all stakeholders.
Methodology used The researcher applied qualitative method for his research and used interview approach. He developed five questions related to his research. He picked up eight head teachers from eight districts belonged rural and urban areas. He chose head teachers having mix abilities. Among them few got leadership development trainings. He stayed one hour with each head teacher for interview purpose. Interviews hold in their respective schools. Time settled with the consents of head teachers. After gathering data he applied Miles and Humberman’s (1994) analysis model of reducing the data and, used Buckley’s (1985) model to categorize the head teacher’s tasks. In the light of model, researcher categorized head teachers technical, human relation and conceptual areas and explained every category in detail. Interpretive approach applied for data analysis. Researcher used carefully the local and international literature in support of his point of view. Sufficient relevant references are also given. He started his research from July 2003 and completed by November 2003.
Central findings Researcher successfully pins point the flaws of educational policy. Author reminded the policy makers for importance of leadership skill development training programs for head teachers of secondary schools. In development/improvement process if single piece of chain would be missed, than it wouldn’t be possible to get fruitful results. Researcher proved the importance of careful planning and certain skills and techniques for Implementation process. “ …a training policy needs to be established to govern the process of training of secondary school head teachers on leadership” (Pekho 2008)., because leader and acquiring leadership skills is also complex process, without such skills it wouldn’t be possible for head teachers to address the issues in expansion of the educational change process in Botswana. To make them enable to work in entirely new management environment the appropriate trainings would be included in policy for achievement of tasks. If those issues overlooked than it would not be possible to get maximum positive results.
Strengths Paper was articulated logically. Appropriate tools and techniques were used for research. Selection of population and sampling was superb. Samples were taken from different socioeconomic areas. (Big city, town, major and medium villages) Literature was used for support and clarity. Language used was simple and understandable. Researcher successfully disclosed the weaknesses of educational policy. Researcher was emphasis for the innovative training programs for heads. Unfortunately such criteria not introduced in policy. It is indicated that in development/improvement process if one piece from chain is missing than it wouldn’t be possible to get fruitful results. So careful planning is important. Implementation process needs certain skills and techniques.
Weaknesses In entire research neither schools nor head teachers discussed from gender point of view.
Utilization in our own context
Botswana is one under developing African country. Our educational scenario is not much change from it. I have nineteen years experience as college teacher and, two years as mater trainer for head teacher and administration in ESRA[1] project. That experience provided me excellent opportunity to under stand the issues regarding head teachers in public sector, where Our head teachers from primary to secondary and higher secondary level and principal of colleges do need much support and help to improve their skills and abilities to understand the complexities of new emerged things. For example most of heads of all categories didn’t know the use of computers. No internet excess is probably available at all levels of educational institutions of rural areas, and very rare institutions might be found in urban context which availing the facility of internet and using it for learning purpose. I haven’t found in my life visionary head with innovative ideas. In our context very few evidences may be found about cooperative and collaborative teaching learning environment. One can be head teacher with the political reference or seniority basis, but yet no policy introduced of merit to get chance to become head teacher especially in public sector. Our educational system needs reforms and re conceptualization of our leadership style and work is more important area.
Pekho, B. (2008). Secondary school leadershjip practice in Botswa.Educational Management & leadership, London. 71-84
[1] Education Reform Support Assistance
Main theme
Mr Pekho evaluated the National Education Policy (1996) of his country Botswana. The aim of education policy was to create equal access in schools to all children. But due to flaws’ policy didn’t achieve the targeted goals. Cause of failure was lack of consultation with stake holders and lack of skills among people which were made responsible for implementation the tasks. Huge amount of money invested in construction of new class rooms, purchases of necessary equipments and launched trainings for improvement of class room teachers’ pedagogy skills, but policy makers ignored one important area, which was head teachers’ leadership skill development program. In fact under the circumstances skill development program for heads of secondary schools was necessary in changed scenario. In new arena head teachers’ role was changed from instructional head teacher to educational leader. Author discussed its implementation effects, impacts especially focused on secondary school head teachers. As education expends it was arose new demands and roles for head teacher to play. Planning, budgeting, controlling Supervision of teaching and learning, curriculum implementation, co curricular activities, matters regarding discipline, maintenance of school assets, monitoring of staff, interaction with community, all routine correspondence, and dealing with higher authorities were some more additional responsibilities assigned to them. In entire their services, they never experienced to face such complex issues. Majority of them never availed an opportunity of training for enhancement of leadership skill improvement. “There is need to establish a leadership training policy that will guide leadership trainings of head teachers in Botswana and prepare head teachers for their roles.”
(Pekho, 2008). Training and skill development areas of Headteacher in secondary level were overlooked by policy makers. Researcher suggested that the situation can be improved if Government would involve all stakeholders.
Methodology used The researcher applied qualitative method for his research and used interview approach. He developed five questions related to his research. He picked up eight head teachers from eight districts belonged rural and urban areas. He chose head teachers having mix abilities. Among them few got leadership development trainings. He stayed one hour with each head teacher for interview purpose. Interviews hold in their respective schools. Time settled with the consents of head teachers. After gathering data he applied Miles and Humberman’s (1994) analysis model of reducing the data and, used Buckley’s (1985) model to categorize the head teacher’s tasks. In the light of model, researcher categorized head teachers technical, human relation and conceptual areas and explained every category in detail. Interpretive approach applied for data analysis. Researcher used carefully the local and international literature in support of his point of view. Sufficient relevant references are also given. He started his research from July 2003 and completed by November 2003.
Central findings Researcher successfully pins point the flaws of educational policy. Author reminded the policy makers for importance of leadership skill development training programs for head teachers of secondary schools. In development/improvement process if single piece of chain would be missed, than it wouldn’t be possible to get fruitful results. Researcher proved the importance of careful planning and certain skills and techniques for Implementation process. “ …a training policy needs to be established to govern the process of training of secondary school head teachers on leadership” (Pekho 2008)., because leader and acquiring leadership skills is also complex process, without such skills it wouldn’t be possible for head teachers to address the issues in expansion of the educational change process in Botswana. To make them enable to work in entirely new management environment the appropriate trainings would be included in policy for achievement of tasks. If those issues overlooked than it would not be possible to get maximum positive results.
Strengths Paper was articulated logically. Appropriate tools and techniques were used for research. Selection of population and sampling was superb. Samples were taken from different socioeconomic areas. (Big city, town, major and medium villages) Literature was used for support and clarity. Language used was simple and understandable. Researcher successfully disclosed the weaknesses of educational policy. Researcher was emphasis for the innovative training programs for heads. Unfortunately such criteria not introduced in policy. It is indicated that in development/improvement process if one piece from chain is missing than it wouldn’t be possible to get fruitful results. So careful planning is important. Implementation process needs certain skills and techniques.
Weaknesses In entire research neither schools nor head teachers discussed from gender point of view.
Utilization in our own context
Botswana is one under developing African country. Our educational scenario is not much change from it. I have nineteen years experience as college teacher and, two years as mater trainer for head teacher and administration in ESRA[1] project. That experience provided me excellent opportunity to under stand the issues regarding head teachers in public sector, where Our head teachers from primary to secondary and higher secondary level and principal of colleges do need much support and help to improve their skills and abilities to understand the complexities of new emerged things. For example most of heads of all categories didn’t know the use of computers. No internet excess is probably available at all levels of educational institutions of rural areas, and very rare institutions might be found in urban context which availing the facility of internet and using it for learning purpose. I haven’t found in my life visionary head with innovative ideas. In our context very few evidences may be found about cooperative and collaborative teaching learning environment. One can be head teacher with the political reference or seniority basis, but yet no policy introduced of merit to get chance to become head teacher especially in public sector. Our educational system needs reforms and re conceptualization of our leadership style and work is more important area.
Pekho, B. (2008). Secondary school leadershjip practice in Botswa.Educational Management & leadership, London. 71-84
[1] Education Reform Support Assistance
Monday, October 19, 2009
Glimpse from my life
Dear facilitator,
Thank you very much for your inspirational letter (14 October 2009), in which you narrated your experiences in land and abroad, especially successes as teacher, challenges as researcher and opportunities availed as professional learner. That is great thing, we all must write our experiences in same manner. Fortunately I read one more same narrative article/letter in Daily Dawn October 18, 2009 issue. Which written by Nyla Daud, the famous journalist. “To teacher with love.” was it’s title. She started her life story from childhood when she was admitted in school at Murry. Miss Ivy Preston taught her English in a way that changes her life forever. She recalled her memories “Than wonder happened at school. The kind old Britain lady after giving the class an exercise to do called out her name. Very self consciously the child[1] walked up to the teacher who appeared to have hailed from another planet in comparison to the Childs own world at home.” She ends up article with words “let’s hope that in the coming times our schools will produce people who will narrate stories of teachers who made their lives.” Similar you wrote in the end of your letter “I am looking forward to hearing from you and our fun learning sessions together.” You have also mentioned in letter that, what you have achieved in your life, the successful journey started few years ago as student of M.Ed and than “life became roller coaster for you.” To day I am thinking “Perhaps my journey is starting from today and may that day will come after few years later when I will be able to stand besides you with same dignity, honor and proud.
Respected Madam, I have come in the field of teaching accidentally, but in fact it was my heartily desire to become a teacher. When I was in primary class, my father’s age teachers showed very much respect to me only because my teacher uncle taught them, and my parents gave me my great uncles name, as he was died few years ago before my birth.
I had started my journey of teaching in 1990 as lecture of commerce. When to day I am looking back to my previous year’s experience of teaching, there is nothing to narrate but my own enormous learning from my students. I taught students of First year to B.Com final. However I had enjoyed lot the period I served as Master Trainer for Head Teachers and Administrators for two years from 2004 to 2006 in district Sukkur with UEI[2] ESRA[3] project. To achieve the objectives of project I traveled through out District Sukkur and met with teachers and head teachers of both male and female gender having varied experiences, skills and education. After that experience I decided to become a teacher educator. Meanwhile I did B.Ed and M.Ed from Shah Abdul University. My thrust for advanced studies and to learn new and exciting things and skills paved way to join AKU IED as student of M.Ed 2011. I am thinking that perhaps this is only beginning. I have long journey to go. Insha Allah with help of Teacher(s) like you my dream will be true one day in near future.
Yours truly,
Amir Gul Katohar
Student of M.Ed 2011
October 19,2009
[1] Writer of article.
[2] United Educational Initiatives.
[3] Education Sector Reform Assistance.
Thank you very much for your inspirational letter (14 October 2009), in which you narrated your experiences in land and abroad, especially successes as teacher, challenges as researcher and opportunities availed as professional learner. That is great thing, we all must write our experiences in same manner. Fortunately I read one more same narrative article/letter in Daily Dawn October 18, 2009 issue. Which written by Nyla Daud, the famous journalist. “To teacher with love.” was it’s title. She started her life story from childhood when she was admitted in school at Murry. Miss Ivy Preston taught her English in a way that changes her life forever. She recalled her memories “Than wonder happened at school. The kind old Britain lady after giving the class an exercise to do called out her name. Very self consciously the child[1] walked up to the teacher who appeared to have hailed from another planet in comparison to the Childs own world at home.” She ends up article with words “let’s hope that in the coming times our schools will produce people who will narrate stories of teachers who made their lives.” Similar you wrote in the end of your letter “I am looking forward to hearing from you and our fun learning sessions together.” You have also mentioned in letter that, what you have achieved in your life, the successful journey started few years ago as student of M.Ed and than “life became roller coaster for you.” To day I am thinking “Perhaps my journey is starting from today and may that day will come after few years later when I will be able to stand besides you with same dignity, honor and proud.
Respected Madam, I have come in the field of teaching accidentally, but in fact it was my heartily desire to become a teacher. When I was in primary class, my father’s age teachers showed very much respect to me only because my teacher uncle taught them, and my parents gave me my great uncles name, as he was died few years ago before my birth.
I had started my journey of teaching in 1990 as lecture of commerce. When to day I am looking back to my previous year’s experience of teaching, there is nothing to narrate but my own enormous learning from my students. I taught students of First year to B.Com final. However I had enjoyed lot the period I served as Master Trainer for Head Teachers and Administrators for two years from 2004 to 2006 in district Sukkur with UEI[2] ESRA[3] project. To achieve the objectives of project I traveled through out District Sukkur and met with teachers and head teachers of both male and female gender having varied experiences, skills and education. After that experience I decided to become a teacher educator. Meanwhile I did B.Ed and M.Ed from Shah Abdul University. My thrust for advanced studies and to learn new and exciting things and skills paved way to join AKU IED as student of M.Ed 2011. I am thinking that perhaps this is only beginning. I have long journey to go. Insha Allah with help of Teacher(s) like you my dream will be true one day in near future.
Yours truly,
Amir Gul Katohar
Student of M.Ed 2011
October 19,2009
[1] Writer of article.
[2] United Educational Initiatives.
[3] Education Sector Reform Assistance.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Reading Practical Material For all of you
PassageMost animals use more than one species as food. Therefore, the term food web is a better description of food relationship than the term food chain. A food web is a complex feeding systems that contains several food chains. For example, mice, rabbits and deer eat plants. Owls eat meat and rabbits. Mountain lion eats rabbits and deer. These five species are parts of food chains that together form a food web. The first link in a food chain is always a green plant. Only organisms with chlorophyll, such as green plants, can make food. For example, the first link in the aquatic chains is algae. Most algae are microscopic green plants that produce food by photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, energy from sunlight converts carbon dioxide and water to sugar. Tiny fish in lakes, streams and oceans eat algae. In turn, these tiny fishes are eaten by larger fish. These larger fish are eaten by still larger fish. The food supply for fish is made by algae.This food is then passed through the food chains as one animal eats another. Organisms may be divided into three groups based on how they obtain food. These groups are producer, decomposer and consumer. Organisms containing chlorophyll are producers. Thus, green plants are producers. Animals that eat other animals and plants are consumers. Microbes, one-celled organisms that cause the decay of the dead animals and plants are decomposers. Since, decomposers cannot make their own food, they are also consumers. This same Passage is used for the next four (Examples 1 to 6)questions as well. The difficult words in this passage are web (network), aquatic (water living), algae (tiny plants which grow in water) and photosynthesis (process by which plant leaves produce food in the presence of sunlight).
According to the author, what is the food web? (A) A complicated system of several food chains (B) A society that distributes food (C) The relationship of one green plant to another (D) The spiders use to catch food
From the third sentence, which says, “A food web is a complex feeding system that contains several food chains”, we can really choose (A) as the answer.
Most animals use more than one species as food. Therefore, the term food web is a better description of food relationship than the term food chain. A food web is a complex feeding systems that contains several food chains. For example, mice, rabbits and deer eat plants. Owls eat meat and rabbits. Mountain lion eats rabbits and deer. These five species are parts of food chains that together form a food web. The first link in a food chain is always a green plant. Only organisms with chlorophyll, such as green plants, can make food. For example, the first link in the aquatic chains is algae. Most algae are microscopic green plants that produce food by photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, energy from sunlight converts carbon dioxide and water to sugar. Tiny fish in lakes, streams and oceans eat algae. In turn, these tiny fishes are eaten by larger fish. These larger fish are eaten by still larger fish. The food supply for fish is made by algae.This food is then passed through the food chains as one animal eats another. Organisms may be divided into three groups based on how they obtain food. These groups are producer, decomposer and consumer. Organisms containing chlorophyll are producers. Thus, green plants are producers. Animals that eat other animals and plants are consumers. Microbes, one-celled organisms that cause the decay of the dead animals and plants are decomposers. Since, decomposers cannot make their own food, they are also consumers. This same Passage is used for the next three (Examples 1 to 6)questions as well. * These Questions are taken from the section of TOEFL Reading Comprehension of previous year's original Question Paper. The difficult words in this passage are web (network), aquatic (water living), algae (tiny plants which grow in water) and photosynthesis (process by which plant leaves produce food in the presence of sunlight).
Which of the following would most likely be the first link in a food chain? (A) Termites (B) Fish (C) Lions (D) Grass
The first sentence of the paragraph 2 says that the first link in the food chain is always a green plant. Among the choices in this question, grass is the only instance of a green plant. So, (D) is the answer.
Most animals use more than one species as food. Therefore, the term food web is a better description of food relationship than the term food chain. A food web is a complex feeding systems that contains several food chains. For example, mice, rabbits and deer eat plants. Owls eat meat and rabbits. Mountain lion eats rabbits and deer. These five species are parts of food chains that together form a food web. The first link in a food chain is always a green plant. Only organisms with chlorophyll, such as green plants, can make food. For example, the first link in the aquatic chains is algae. Most algae are microscopic green plants that produce food by photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, energy from sunlight converts carbon dioxide and water to sugar. Tiny fish in lakes, streams and oceans eat algae. In turn, these tiny fishes are eaten by larger fish. These larger fish are eaten by still larger fish. The food supply for fish is made by algae.This food is then passed through the food chains as one animal eats another. Organisms may be divided into three groups based on how they obtain food. These groups are producer, decomposer and consumer. Organisms containing chlorophyll are producers. Thus, green plants are producers. Animals that eat other animals and plants are consumers. Microbes, one-celled organisms that cause the decay of the dead animals and plants are decomposers. Since, decomposers cannot make their own food, they are also consumers. This same Passage is used for the next two (Examples 1 to 6) questions as well. * These Questions are taken from the section of TOEFL Reading Comprehension of previous year's original Question Paper. The difficult words in this passage are web (network), aquatic (water living), algae (tiny plants which grow in water) and photosynthesis (process by which plant leaves produce food in the presence of sunlight).
As used in last sentence of the second paragraph, the word passed could best be replaced by which of the following? (A) moved (B) approved (C) attempted (D) relinquished
The relevant sentence is, “The food is then passed through the food chains as one animal eats another”. The only word among the given choices that can replace the word passed in the sentence is moved. So, the answer is A.
Most animals use more than one species as food. Therefore, the term food web is a better description of food relationship than the term food chain. A food web is a complex feeding systems that contains several food chains. For example, mice, rabbits and deer eat plants. Owls eat meat and rabbits. Mountain lion eats rabbits and deer. These five species are parts of food chains that together form a food web. The first link in a food chain is always a green plant. Only organisms with chlorophyll, such as green plants, can make food. For example, the first link in the aquatic chains is algae. Most algae are microscopic green plants that produce food by photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, energy from sunlight converts carbon dioxide and water to sugar. Tiny fish in lakes, streams and oceans eat algae. In turn, these tiny fishes are eaten by larger fish. These larger fish are eaten by still larger fish. The food supply for fish is made by algae.This food is then passed through the food chains as one animal eats another. Organisms may be divided into three groups based on how they obtain food. These groups are producer, decomposer and consumer. Organisms containing chlorophyll are producers. Thus, green plants are producers. Animals that eat other animals and plants are consumers. Microbes, one-celled organisms that cause the decay of the dead animals and plants are decomposers. Since, decomposers cannot make their own food, they are also consumers. * This same Passage is used for the next (Examples 1 to 6)question as well. * These Questions are taken from the section of TOEFL Reading Comprehension of previous year's original Question Paper. The difficult words in this passage are web (network), aquatic (water living), algae (tiny plants which grow in water) and photosynthesis (process by which plant leaves produce food in the presence of sunlight).
The author divides the organisms according to (A) how they use energy (B) how they obtain food (C) how much energy they require in order to move (D) whether they live on the land or in the sea
The first sentence of the third paragraph says, “Organisms may be divided into three groups based on how they obtain food”. So, B is the ready answer.
Most animals use more than one species as food. Therefore, the term food web is a better description of food relationship than the term food chain. A food web is a complex feeding systems that contains several food chains. For example, mice, rabbits and deer eat plants. Owls eat meat and rabbits. Mountain lion eats rabbits and deer. These five species are parts of food chains that together form a food web. The first link in a food chain is always a green plant. Only organisms with chlorophyll, such as green plants, can make food. For example, the first link in the aquatic chains is algae. Most algae are microscopic green plants that produce food by photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, energy from sunlight converts carbon dioxide and water to sugar. Tiny fish in lakes, streams and oceans eat algae. In turn, these tiny fishes are eaten by larger fish. These larger fish are eaten by still larger fish. The food supply for fish is made by algae.This food is then passed through the food chains as one animal eats another. Organisms may be divided into three groups based on how they obtain food. These groups are producer, decomposer and consumer. Organisms containing chlorophyll are producers. Thus, green plants are producers. Animals that eat other animals and plants are consumers. Microbes, one-celled organisms that cause the decay of the dead animals and plants are decomposers. Since, decomposers cannot make their own food, they are also consumers. * These Questions are taken from the section of TOEFL Reading Comprehension of previous year's original Question Paper. The difficult words in this passage are web (network), aquatic (water living), algae (tiny plants which grow in water) and photosynthesis (process by which plant leaves produce food in the presence of sunlight).
Which of the following organisms could not be a consumer as described in the passage? (A) A microbe (B) A rabbit (C) A tree (D) A fish
Having divided organisms into three groups, namely producers, decomposers and consumers, the author says in the last paragraph, Organisms containing chlorophyll are producers. Thus, green plants are producers”. Thus, a tree is a producer and can not be a consumer. So, C is the answer. Microbes fall under the category of decomposers. But the last sentence says that decomposers are also consumers. So, A is not the answer.
The railroad was not the first institution to impose regularity on society or to draw attention to the importance of precise time keeping. For as long as merchants have set out their wares at day break and communal festivities have been celebrated, people have been in rough agreement with their neighbors as to the time of the day. The value of this tradition is more apparent than ever. Were it not for public acceptanceof a single yardstick of time, social life would be unbearably chaotic. The massive daily transfers of goods, services and information would proceed in fits and starts. The very fabric of modern society would begin to unravel. * The next four questions (Examples 8, 9, 10 & 11) also are based on this Passage. The difficult words in this passage are impose (dictate), precise (accurate), wares (goods for sale), apparent (obvious), chaotic (confusing), it fits and starts (in a haphazard manner) and unravel (come apart).
What is the main idea of this passage? (A) In society we must take more time for our neighbors (B) The traditions of society are timeless (C) An accepted way of measuring time is essential for smooth functioning of society (D) Society judges people by the times at which they conduct certain activities
Obviously A, B and D are all factually wrong and can not be therefore be stated to be the main idea of the passage. Throughout this short passage, the author emphasizes the importance of the public acceptance of a single yardstick of time. So, C is the most appropriate answer.
The railroad was not the first institution to impose regularity on society or to draw attention to the importance of precise time keeping. For as long as merchants have set out their wares at day break and communal festivities have been celebrated, people have been in rough agreement with their neighbors as to the time of the day. The value of this tradition is more apparent than ever. Were it not for public acceptance of a single yardstick of time, social life would be unbearably chaotic. The massive daily transfers of goods, services and information would proceed in fits and starts. The very fabric of modern society would begin to unravel. * The next three questions also (Examples-9,10 & 11) are based on this same passage. The difficult words in this passage are impose (dictate), precise (accurate), wares (goods for sale), apparent (obvious), chaotic (confusing), it fits and starts (in a haphazard manner) and unravel (come apart).
The word draw , in the first sentence, can best be replaced by (A) bring (B) infer (C) formulate (D) sketch
The full phrase is to draw attention to the importance of precise time keeping. Among the given choices, it is only bring which can replace the word draw in this phrase. So, A is the answer.
The railroad was not the first institution to impose regularity on society or to draw attention to the importance of precise time keeping. For as long as merchants have set out their wares at day break and communal festivities have been celebrated, people have been in rough agreement with their neighbors as to the time of the day. The value of this tradition is more apparent than ever. Were it not for public acceptance of a single yardstick of time, social life would be unbearably chaotic. The massive daily transfers of goods, services and information would proceed in fits and starts. The very fabric of modern society would begin to unravel. * The next two questions (Examples-10 & 11) also are based on this same passage. The difficult words in this passage are impose (dictate), precise (accurate), wares (goods for sale), apparent (obvious), chaotic (confusing), fits and starts (in a haphazard manner) and unravel (come apart).
In the third sentence, the phrase this tradition refers to (A) the practice of starting the business day at dawn (B) cordial relations between neighbors (C) the railroad’s reliance on time schedule (D) people’s agreement on the measurement on the measurement of time
The sentence immediately preceding the phrase this tradition says, “For long ….. people have been in rough agreement with their neighbors as to the time of the day”. So, the tradition referred to is the people’s agreement on the measurement of time. So, D is the answer. Since none of the other choices is even referred to near this sentence, we can eliminate all of them.
The railroad was not the first institution to impose regularity on society or to draw attention to the importance of precise time keeping. For as long as merchants have set out their wares at day break and communal festivities have been celebrated, people have been in rough agreement with their neighbors as to the time of the day. The value of this tradition is more apparent than ever. Were it not for public acceptance of a single yardstick of time, social life would be unbearably chaotic. The massive daily transfers of goods, services and information would proceed in fits and starts. The very fabric of modern society would begin to unravel. * The next question (Example-11) is also based on this Passage. The difficult words in this passage are impose (dictate), precise (accurate), wares (goods for sale), apparent (obvious), chaotic (confusing), it fits and starts (in a haphazard manner) and unravel (come apart).
The author implies that which of the following is a consequence of the greater complexity of today’s society? (A) Agreement of the measurement of time is more important. (B) The role of the rail road has become more vital. (C) People agree about time more rapidly. (D) Traditional values are of greater importance to the society’s well being.
The author states in the second sentence that as long as merchants have set out their wares at daybreak and communal festivities have been celebrated, people have been in rough agreement with their neighbors as to the time of the day. He then adds that the value of this tradition is more apparent than ever because, unless there is public acceptance of a single yardstick of time, social life would be unbearably chaotic because of “the massive daily transfers of goods, services and information”. The author thereby implies that, as a consequence of the greater complexity of today’s society agreement on the measurement of time is more important. So, A is the answer. The emphasis in the passage is not at all about the role of the railroad, and so B is not the correct one. The passage relatively talks about the greater importance of people having to agree on the measurement of time at present, ant not about the relatively greater readiness of the people to agree about the time now.So, C is the wrong one. The passage talks of only one tradition relating to the agreement about time, and not of traditional values in general. So, D is also a wrong one.
PassageMost animals use more than one species as food. Therefore, the term food web is a better description of food relationship than the term food chain. A food web is a complex feeding systems that contains several food chains. For example, mice, rabbits and deer eat plants. Owls eat meat and rabbits. Mountain lion eats rabbits and deer. These five species are parts of food chains that together form a food web. The first link in a food chain is always a green plant. Only organisms with chlorophyll, such as green plants, can make food. For example, the first link in the aquatic chains is algae. Most algae are microscopic green plants that produce food by photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, energy from sunlight converts carbon dioxide and water to sugar. Tiny fish in lakes, streams and oceans eat algae. In turn, these tiny fishes are eaten by larger fish. These larger fish are eaten by still larger fish. The food supply for fish is made by algae.This food is then passed through the food chains as one animal eats another. Organisms may be divided into three groups based on how they obtain food. These groups are producer, decomposer and consumer. Organisms containing chlorophyll are producers. Thus, green plants are producers. Animals that eat other animals and plants are consumers. Microbes, one-celled organisms that cause the decay of the dead animals and plants are decomposers. Since, decomposers cannot make their own food, they are also consumers. This same Passage is used for the next four (Examples 1 to 6)questions as well. The difficult words in this passage are web (network), aquatic (water living), algae (tiny plants which grow in water) and photosynthesis (process by which plant leaves produce food in the presence of sunlight).
According to the author, what is the food web? (A) A complicated system of several food chains (B) A society that distributes food (C) The relationship of one green plant to another (D) The spiders use to catch food
From the third sentence, which says, “A food web is a complex feeding system that contains several food chains”, we can really choose (A) as the answer.
Most animals use more than one species as food. Therefore, the term food web is a better description of food relationship than the term food chain. A food web is a complex feeding systems that contains several food chains. For example, mice, rabbits and deer eat plants. Owls eat meat and rabbits. Mountain lion eats rabbits and deer. These five species are parts of food chains that together form a food web. The first link in a food chain is always a green plant. Only organisms with chlorophyll, such as green plants, can make food. For example, the first link in the aquatic chains is algae. Most algae are microscopic green plants that produce food by photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, energy from sunlight converts carbon dioxide and water to sugar. Tiny fish in lakes, streams and oceans eat algae. In turn, these tiny fishes are eaten by larger fish. These larger fish are eaten by still larger fish. The food supply for fish is made by algae.This food is then passed through the food chains as one animal eats another. Organisms may be divided into three groups based on how they obtain food. These groups are producer, decomposer and consumer. Organisms containing chlorophyll are producers. Thus, green plants are producers. Animals that eat other animals and plants are consumers. Microbes, one-celled organisms that cause the decay of the dead animals and plants are decomposers. Since, decomposers cannot make their own food, they are also consumers. This same Passage is used for the next three (Examples 1 to 6)questions as well. * These Questions are taken from the section of TOEFL Reading Comprehension of previous year's original Question Paper. The difficult words in this passage are web (network), aquatic (water living), algae (tiny plants which grow in water) and photosynthesis (process by which plant leaves produce food in the presence of sunlight).
Which of the following would most likely be the first link in a food chain? (A) Termites (B) Fish (C) Lions (D) Grass
The first sentence of the paragraph 2 says that the first link in the food chain is always a green plant. Among the choices in this question, grass is the only instance of a green plant. So, (D) is the answer.
Most animals use more than one species as food. Therefore, the term food web is a better description of food relationship than the term food chain. A food web is a complex feeding systems that contains several food chains. For example, mice, rabbits and deer eat plants. Owls eat meat and rabbits. Mountain lion eats rabbits and deer. These five species are parts of food chains that together form a food web. The first link in a food chain is always a green plant. Only organisms with chlorophyll, such as green plants, can make food. For example, the first link in the aquatic chains is algae. Most algae are microscopic green plants that produce food by photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, energy from sunlight converts carbon dioxide and water to sugar. Tiny fish in lakes, streams and oceans eat algae. In turn, these tiny fishes are eaten by larger fish. These larger fish are eaten by still larger fish. The food supply for fish is made by algae.This food is then passed through the food chains as one animal eats another. Organisms may be divided into three groups based on how they obtain food. These groups are producer, decomposer and consumer. Organisms containing chlorophyll are producers. Thus, green plants are producers. Animals that eat other animals and plants are consumers. Microbes, one-celled organisms that cause the decay of the dead animals and plants are decomposers. Since, decomposers cannot make their own food, they are also consumers. This same Passage is used for the next two (Examples 1 to 6) questions as well. * These Questions are taken from the section of TOEFL Reading Comprehension of previous year's original Question Paper. The difficult words in this passage are web (network), aquatic (water living), algae (tiny plants which grow in water) and photosynthesis (process by which plant leaves produce food in the presence of sunlight).
As used in last sentence of the second paragraph, the word passed could best be replaced by which of the following? (A) moved (B) approved (C) attempted (D) relinquished
The relevant sentence is, “The food is then passed through the food chains as one animal eats another”. The only word among the given choices that can replace the word passed in the sentence is moved. So, the answer is A.
Most animals use more than one species as food. Therefore, the term food web is a better description of food relationship than the term food chain. A food web is a complex feeding systems that contains several food chains. For example, mice, rabbits and deer eat plants. Owls eat meat and rabbits. Mountain lion eats rabbits and deer. These five species are parts of food chains that together form a food web. The first link in a food chain is always a green plant. Only organisms with chlorophyll, such as green plants, can make food. For example, the first link in the aquatic chains is algae. Most algae are microscopic green plants that produce food by photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, energy from sunlight converts carbon dioxide and water to sugar. Tiny fish in lakes, streams and oceans eat algae. In turn, these tiny fishes are eaten by larger fish. These larger fish are eaten by still larger fish. The food supply for fish is made by algae.This food is then passed through the food chains as one animal eats another. Organisms may be divided into three groups based on how they obtain food. These groups are producer, decomposer and consumer. Organisms containing chlorophyll are producers. Thus, green plants are producers. Animals that eat other animals and plants are consumers. Microbes, one-celled organisms that cause the decay of the dead animals and plants are decomposers. Since, decomposers cannot make their own food, they are also consumers. * This same Passage is used for the next (Examples 1 to 6)question as well. * These Questions are taken from the section of TOEFL Reading Comprehension of previous year's original Question Paper. The difficult words in this passage are web (network), aquatic (water living), algae (tiny plants which grow in water) and photosynthesis (process by which plant leaves produce food in the presence of sunlight).
The author divides the organisms according to (A) how they use energy (B) how they obtain food (C) how much energy they require in order to move (D) whether they live on the land or in the sea
The first sentence of the third paragraph says, “Organisms may be divided into three groups based on how they obtain food”. So, B is the ready answer.
Most animals use more than one species as food. Therefore, the term food web is a better description of food relationship than the term food chain. A food web is a complex feeding systems that contains several food chains. For example, mice, rabbits and deer eat plants. Owls eat meat and rabbits. Mountain lion eats rabbits and deer. These five species are parts of food chains that together form a food web. The first link in a food chain is always a green plant. Only organisms with chlorophyll, such as green plants, can make food. For example, the first link in the aquatic chains is algae. Most algae are microscopic green plants that produce food by photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, energy from sunlight converts carbon dioxide and water to sugar. Tiny fish in lakes, streams and oceans eat algae. In turn, these tiny fishes are eaten by larger fish. These larger fish are eaten by still larger fish. The food supply for fish is made by algae.This food is then passed through the food chains as one animal eats another. Organisms may be divided into three groups based on how they obtain food. These groups are producer, decomposer and consumer. Organisms containing chlorophyll are producers. Thus, green plants are producers. Animals that eat other animals and plants are consumers. Microbes, one-celled organisms that cause the decay of the dead animals and plants are decomposers. Since, decomposers cannot make their own food, they are also consumers. * These Questions are taken from the section of TOEFL Reading Comprehension of previous year's original Question Paper. The difficult words in this passage are web (network), aquatic (water living), algae (tiny plants which grow in water) and photosynthesis (process by which plant leaves produce food in the presence of sunlight).
Which of the following organisms could not be a consumer as described in the passage? (A) A microbe (B) A rabbit (C) A tree (D) A fish
Having divided organisms into three groups, namely producers, decomposers and consumers, the author says in the last paragraph, Organisms containing chlorophyll are producers. Thus, green plants are producers”. Thus, a tree is a producer and can not be a consumer. So, C is the answer. Microbes fall under the category of decomposers. But the last sentence says that decomposers are also consumers. So, A is not the answer.
The railroad was not the first institution to impose regularity on society or to draw attention to the importance of precise time keeping. For as long as merchants have set out their wares at day break and communal festivities have been celebrated, people have been in rough agreement with their neighbors as to the time of the day. The value of this tradition is more apparent than ever. Were it not for public acceptanceof a single yardstick of time, social life would be unbearably chaotic. The massive daily transfers of goods, services and information would proceed in fits and starts. The very fabric of modern society would begin to unravel. * The next four questions (Examples 8, 9, 10 & 11) also are based on this Passage. The difficult words in this passage are impose (dictate), precise (accurate), wares (goods for sale), apparent (obvious), chaotic (confusing), it fits and starts (in a haphazard manner) and unravel (come apart).
What is the main idea of this passage? (A) In society we must take more time for our neighbors (B) The traditions of society are timeless (C) An accepted way of measuring time is essential for smooth functioning of society (D) Society judges people by the times at which they conduct certain activities
Obviously A, B and D are all factually wrong and can not be therefore be stated to be the main idea of the passage. Throughout this short passage, the author emphasizes the importance of the public acceptance of a single yardstick of time. So, C is the most appropriate answer.
The railroad was not the first institution to impose regularity on society or to draw attention to the importance of precise time keeping. For as long as merchants have set out their wares at day break and communal festivities have been celebrated, people have been in rough agreement with their neighbors as to the time of the day. The value of this tradition is more apparent than ever. Were it not for public acceptance of a single yardstick of time, social life would be unbearably chaotic. The massive daily transfers of goods, services and information would proceed in fits and starts. The very fabric of modern society would begin to unravel. * The next three questions also (Examples-9,10 & 11) are based on this same passage. The difficult words in this passage are impose (dictate), precise (accurate), wares (goods for sale), apparent (obvious), chaotic (confusing), it fits and starts (in a haphazard manner) and unravel (come apart).
The word draw , in the first sentence, can best be replaced by (A) bring (B) infer (C) formulate (D) sketch
The full phrase is to draw attention to the importance of precise time keeping. Among the given choices, it is only bring which can replace the word draw in this phrase. So, A is the answer.
The railroad was not the first institution to impose regularity on society or to draw attention to the importance of precise time keeping. For as long as merchants have set out their wares at day break and communal festivities have been celebrated, people have been in rough agreement with their neighbors as to the time of the day. The value of this tradition is more apparent than ever. Were it not for public acceptance of a single yardstick of time, social life would be unbearably chaotic. The massive daily transfers of goods, services and information would proceed in fits and starts. The very fabric of modern society would begin to unravel. * The next two questions (Examples-10 & 11) also are based on this same passage. The difficult words in this passage are impose (dictate), precise (accurate), wares (goods for sale), apparent (obvious), chaotic (confusing), fits and starts (in a haphazard manner) and unravel (come apart).
In the third sentence, the phrase this tradition refers to (A) the practice of starting the business day at dawn (B) cordial relations between neighbors (C) the railroad’s reliance on time schedule (D) people’s agreement on the measurement on the measurement of time
The sentence immediately preceding the phrase this tradition says, “For long ….. people have been in rough agreement with their neighbors as to the time of the day”. So, the tradition referred to is the people’s agreement on the measurement of time. So, D is the answer. Since none of the other choices is even referred to near this sentence, we can eliminate all of them.
The railroad was not the first institution to impose regularity on society or to draw attention to the importance of precise time keeping. For as long as merchants have set out their wares at day break and communal festivities have been celebrated, people have been in rough agreement with their neighbors as to the time of the day. The value of this tradition is more apparent than ever. Were it not for public acceptance of a single yardstick of time, social life would be unbearably chaotic. The massive daily transfers of goods, services and information would proceed in fits and starts. The very fabric of modern society would begin to unravel. * The next question (Example-11) is also based on this Passage. The difficult words in this passage are impose (dictate), precise (accurate), wares (goods for sale), apparent (obvious), chaotic (confusing), it fits and starts (in a haphazard manner) and unravel (come apart).
The author implies that which of the following is a consequence of the greater complexity of today’s society? (A) Agreement of the measurement of time is more important. (B) The role of the rail road has become more vital. (C) People agree about time more rapidly. (D) Traditional values are of greater importance to the society’s well being.
The author states in the second sentence that as long as merchants have set out their wares at daybreak and communal festivities have been celebrated, people have been in rough agreement with their neighbors as to the time of the day. He then adds that the value of this tradition is more apparent than ever because, unless there is public acceptance of a single yardstick of time, social life would be unbearably chaotic because of “the massive daily transfers of goods, services and information”. The author thereby implies that, as a consequence of the greater complexity of today’s society agreement on the measurement of time is more important. So, A is the answer. The emphasis in the passage is not at all about the role of the railroad, and so B is not the correct one. The passage relatively talks about the greater importance of people having to agree on the measurement of time at present, ant not about the relatively greater readiness of the people to agree about the time now.So, C is the wrong one. The passage talks of only one tradition relating to the agreement about time, and not of traditional values in general. So, D is also a wrong one.
Useful Article "Formula Professors" by Dr Noman Ahemd
Our colleges and universities distinctly show two types of faculty members. Many professionals chose academics after gauging their interest and acumen on a sincere basis. The second category comprises professors who regard teaching and research as a sOweat- less pursuit. Folks term them as formula professors. Teachers who deliberately practice mediocrity fall in this muster. A formula professor normally passes through a dubious process. The incumbent catapults into higher academia through the back door whenever and wherever he finds an opportunity. Relaxed timings, limited monitoring by the bosses that be, possibility of seeking part-time work and a hoard of similar incentives lead to this crucial choice. In other words, the career is anticipated to be completely bound by routines with little or no variations. Formula professors stand out in academic fraternity for all the wrong reasons. One such characteristic is the manner in which they discharge their prime task — teaching. Most in the tribe remain confined to the bare fundamentals of the subjects that they teach. While beginning their teaching career as a lecturer, they put up with the one-time labour of preparing the teaching notes for personal use. They consider it inappropriate and worthless to revise, add, improve or build upon the golden narrative written a few decades ago. If, by sheer bad luck, any student dares to remind about the obsoleteness of the lecture, he is not only admonished but his name is registered as a potential target worthy of academic victimisation throughout his stay in the institution. In the mechanics of teaching, formula professors successfully prevent the students from referring to any secondary sources of information, reference material and even other professors in the same field. The students are given this firm assurance that by memorising prescribed lecture notes, they shall pass with flying colours. The gauge of performance becomes the word-by-word reproduction of the texts in beautiful hand writing. In situations where such professors have the opportunity of giving tuitions, the students in the college/university classrooms are lured into joining their tuition classes. The incentive of obtaining the lecture notes remains the most worthwhile outcome. It has been found that some college professors deliver notes to their students under a strict oath that they would not pass on the copies to any of their classmates. Attempts for revision of curriculum are also resisted by this cadre of academics. Most formula professors make pretensions about their enthusiasm about research and scholarship. Actually this affinity derives from varied reasons. Participations in research of some kind generate monetary benefits. Thus such professors pick up any field of work which is easy to manipulate. In most cases, these professors choose the topics of their postgraduate dissertation even if it does not have a relevance to the research policy of the university. Study of agricultural trends in the Tundra region, behavioral changes in the movement of a dragonfly in winters or comparative study of the poetic genius of Iqbal and any obscure soul constitute the prime areas with below-average relevance to the subject. A hunger for publicity, self projection through mundane public events, shoddily compiled publications and participation in professional events of dubious credibility are some trade marks of the breed. In each of such discourses, they attempt to impose their viewpoint and apparently succeed by closing down all avenues of open dialogue. As research publications area compulsory attribute in judging the academic performance, the formula professors adopt quasi-criminal approaches to fulfil the requirements. Crafting plagiarism, forcing subordinates into writing joint papers, transforming review papers into original contributions and targeting obscure substandard publications for quickly overcoming this hurdle are few of the norms adopted by them. And since they are a powerful group in the respective institutions, the administration normally buckles down to accept their unscrupulous submissions. No wonder many universities in the country have professors and associate professors not even known in their own local professional fraternity. Relationship with students is a crucial aspect in the conduct of formula professors. They would shrewdly take such measures that the students would keep praising them for their intellect, wisdom and command on the respective subjects, atleast on the face. This is made possible through a chain of terrorising tactics adopted by formula professors. Manipulation in marking, victimisation during the academic career, public insults and other attempts to ruin the careers of students along with punishment for all those who dare challenge the academic status of the formula professors are some examples. Similar treatment is also frequently meted out to junior colleagues who attempt to disregard the formula professors in any manner. The formula professors draw their strength from many sources. A few of them have been prominent student leaders in their student life with connections to outside political parties. Some of the formula professors develop linkage with political, sectarian or ethnic groups to add weight to their clout. They overtly or covertly support the followings of any student group — leaders of which reciprocate in safeguarding the interest of formula professors in instances of need. At times formula professors make groupings of like-minded souls in order to flock together. Experiences have shown that it becomes an extremely difficult task for the managements of universities and colleges to root out this lot. This breed carries high ambitions for various administrative posts in the academic management. While some of these posts do not even need the services of a professor, they push hard to obtain them. Thus they can be found beaming with the joy of self fulfillment upon becoming a registrar, provost, director (of some institute), warden, controllers, vice-principal, finance controller or chief of security. Their highest dream remains to become a vice chancellor in the case of a university or principal in the case of colleges. Influencing through political affiliations, canvassing within statutory bodies or tinkering with the rules and regulations are few common options. Some desperadoes even go to the extent of coercing students to organise demos/rallies in their favour. The track record of our educational institutions reminds us that these folks have been successful on many counts. The existence of academics is causing damage to education beyond repair. The overall image of the teaching fraternity is continuously tarnished. Common people are made to believe that probably all the teachers have similar traits. Formula professors cause the most tenacious resistance in the way of any progressive reform generated through the internal desires of the institution. Constant nabbing and interference in the work of the serious-minded and competent academics frustrate them to no end. At times, when the formula breed is at loggerheads with worthy professors, the latter have to retreat due to their inability to win these mundane duels. The tragedy of the matter is that the supra bodies managing education are well aware of the existence of this mediocre cadre. However they have not considered it as a serious issue to be dealt on priority. It must be remembered that the progress in scientific domains require open-ended serious scholarship. The existence of formula professors is a handicap which limits the sphere of academic progress and forward working. the overall standing of our academic standards is not likely to improve unless this menace to intellectual pursuits is dealt with foresight and conviction.The writer is professor and chairman, Department of Architecture and Planning, NED University, Karachi.
Sunday, 23 Aug, 2009 Daily dawn 09 02:23 AM PST
Sunday, 23 Aug, 2009 Daily dawn 09 02:23 AM PST
My total score was 20 in ‘Stress Assessment Questionnaire.” I stand highest in the field of ‘sometimes’ with 09, second big I got 05 in the column of ‘rarely’ score, 03 in ‘not at all’, 02 ‘often’ and lowest o1 in ‘always.’
In “Checklist for Symptoms of Stress” I tick on ‘sleep problem’ in “Physical symptoms” acute column and in ‘chronic’ tick on ‘tiredness’, in second portion in column of “Physical Symptoms” I tick three arias ‘Poor Concentration’, ‘Memory Problem’ and ‘Negative Thoughts or Images.’ At second portion “Behavioral Symptoms” I think there are symptoms about one third in the field of ‘Accident-Proneness’ and tick on ‘Decrease Level of Performance’.
In classroom activity I elaborate my stresses in following words,
“As a head of family my role became limited to support my family members in their daily life hardships, such type of sentiments creates little bit stress in my mind. However the real problem which creates powerful stress in my mind is our pending matter of relieving from our parent department, another aria of stress is to pass the upcoming test for confirmation of admission. To overcome the problem, I am working hard and trying level best to enhance the level of understanding.
Finally we Hostlers facing some collective problems, such as preparation of foods, sharing bathrooms, washing cloths and iron those daily. All those activities are time consuming, and those are minimizing our time of studies.”
In activities we recognize the weakest and strongest aria of stresses and also indulge in classroom discussions for possible solutions. Facilitator has a good command over the situation and feedback for same was superb. After conducting that session I felt more confidence to even share very personal problems with Madam. As we are not sharing such things to any one even our close friends, and questions were pending in our minds to be answered. Second dangerous thing is to not reorganization of weak or strong arias. I personally know some of my friends who tick the options to show that how they are strong in such fields. That is madness; we all must avoid such practice. As per my opinion we all need help and support in certain arias.
Amir Gul Katohar.
August26, 2009
My total score was 20 in ‘Stress Assessment Questionnaire.” I stand highest in the field of ‘sometimes’ with 09, second big I got 05 in the column of ‘rarely’ score, 03 in ‘not at all’, 02 ‘often’ and lowest o1 in ‘always.’
In “Checklist for Symptoms of Stress” I tick on ‘sleep problem’ in “Physical symptoms” acute column and in ‘chronic’ tick on ‘tiredness’, in second portion in column of “Physical Symptoms” I tick three arias ‘Poor Concentration’, ‘Memory Problem’ and ‘Negative Thoughts or Images.’ At second portion “Behavioral Symptoms” I think there are symptoms about one third in the field of ‘Accident-Proneness’ and tick on ‘Decrease Level of Performance’.
In classroom activity I elaborate my stresses in following words,
“As a head of family my role became limited to support my family members in their daily life hardships, such type of sentiments creates little bit stress in my mind. However the real problem which creates powerful stress in my mind is our pending matter of relieving from our parent department, another aria of stress is to pass the upcoming test for confirmation of admission. To overcome the problem, I am working hard and trying level best to enhance the level of understanding.
Finally we Hostlers facing some collective problems, such as preparation of foods, sharing bathrooms, washing cloths and iron those daily. All those activities are time consuming, and those are minimizing our time of studies.”
In activities we recognize the weakest and strongest aria of stresses and also indulge in classroom discussions for possible solutions. Facilitator has a good command over the situation and feedback for same was superb. After conducting that session I felt more confidence to even share very personal problems with Madam. As we are not sharing such things to any one even our close friends, and questions were pending in our minds to be answered. Second dangerous thing is to not reorganization of weak or strong arias. I personally know some of my friends who tick the options to show that how they are strong in such fields. That is madness; we all must avoid such practice. As per my opinion we all need help and support in certain arias.
Amir Gul Katohar.
August26, 2009
Today our M.ED 2011 class, comprising A and B group conducted by Madam Hadia Pasha. This was her third session. I feel good with all our class fellows, just because it was good opportunity for all us to understand each other and get benefited from expertise and past experiences as well.
It was about Professional Development. Today’s topic was "Time Management." We given two activities "Time Management Quiz" and "Time Wasters" in which CPs highlighted their behavior related to time management and wasting it. In those activities we do understand that where and how we are consuming our time effectively or vice versa. In this session suggestions were given to CPs, how to manage time, how to priorities the task, some task may be urgent but not important and other may be very important but not urgent so what would be our strategy about all those. In fact that is very beneficial for all us. Specially I learned lot and realized if I manage time effectively than I can easily accomplish all my tasks and assignments in due and given time. From today I will try to do all things properly and with well plan and managed timetable.
Amir Gul Katohar
August18, 2009
It was about Professional Development. Today’s topic was "Time Management." We given two activities "Time Management Quiz" and "Time Wasters" in which CPs highlighted their behavior related to time management and wasting it. In those activities we do understand that where and how we are consuming our time effectively or vice versa. In this session suggestions were given to CPs, how to manage time, how to priorities the task, some task may be urgent but not important and other may be very important but not urgent so what would be our strategy about all those. In fact that is very beneficial for all us. Specially I learned lot and realized if I manage time effectively than I can easily accomplish all my tasks and assignments in due and given time. From today I will try to do all things properly and with well plan and managed timetable.
Amir Gul Katohar
August18, 2009
Today our M.ED 2011 class, comprising A and B group conducted by Madam Hadia Pasha. This was her third session. I feel good with all our class fellows, just because it was good opportunity for all us to understand each other and get benefited from expertise and past experiences as well.
It was about Professional Development. Today’s topic was "Time Management." We given two activities "Time Management Quiz" and "Time Wasters" in which CPs highlighted their behavior related to time management and wasting it. In those activities we do understand that where and how we are consuming our time effectively or vice versa. In this session suggestions were given to CPs, how to manage time, how to priorities the task, some task may be urgent but not important and other may be very important but not urgent so what would be our strategy about all those. In fact that is very beneficial for all us. Specially I learned lot and realized if I manage time effectively than I can easily accomplish all my tasks and assignments in due and given time. From today I will try to do all things properly and with well plan and managed timetable.
Amir Gul Katohar
August18, 2009
It was about Professional Development. Today’s topic was "Time Management." We given two activities "Time Management Quiz" and "Time Wasters" in which CPs highlighted their behavior related to time management and wasting it. In those activities we do understand that where and how we are consuming our time effectively or vice versa. In this session suggestions were given to CPs, how to manage time, how to priorities the task, some task may be urgent but not important and other may be very important but not urgent so what would be our strategy about all those. In fact that is very beneficial for all us. Specially I learned lot and realized if I manage time effectively than I can easily accomplish all my tasks and assignments in due and given time. From today I will try to do all things properly and with well plan and managed timetable.
Amir Gul Katohar
August18, 2009
Thinking flexibly
Thinking flexibly is one of highest quality of human quality, which provides opportunity to observe things and events from different angels. People having this quality always correct their mistakes by accepting other’s points of view. Being flexible person one can solve his/her problems in better way.
Rigidity is an opposite mindset of thinking flexibly, which blocks to think creatively. There is saying that only fools and dead men don’t change their mind. Very much consistency is very much bad and put worst affects on mind.
Thinking flexibly is open mind quality which allow to look into matter at another way and also gives chance to change perspective generate alternatives, consider options.
Society has many aspects. Here is variety of cultures and customs exist. People living in remote and rural areas and also in mega cities having different environments. So, one uniform formula would not be appropriate for all In such complex situations. Flexible person can be able to adjust him/her according to prevailing atmosphere with special focus on available alternatives.
Thinking flexibly gives fair chance to correct the mistakes, evaluate the ideas. It helps very much specially when making decisions, planning for future and managing thing. It is name of freedom, a way to get alternatives, become creative, chance to making right decisions and address complex issues. With changing ideas one can change his/her world, so it will be wise to consider alternative point of view, deal with several sources of information simultaneously.
Amir Gul Katohar
August 04,2009
Rigidity is an opposite mindset of thinking flexibly, which blocks to think creatively. There is saying that only fools and dead men don’t change their mind. Very much consistency is very much bad and put worst affects on mind.
Thinking flexibly is open mind quality which allow to look into matter at another way and also gives chance to change perspective generate alternatives, consider options.
Society has many aspects. Here is variety of cultures and customs exist. People living in remote and rural areas and also in mega cities having different environments. So, one uniform formula would not be appropriate for all In such complex situations. Flexible person can be able to adjust him/her according to prevailing atmosphere with special focus on available alternatives.
Thinking flexibly gives fair chance to correct the mistakes, evaluate the ideas. It helps very much specially when making decisions, planning for future and managing thing. It is name of freedom, a way to get alternatives, become creative, chance to making right decisions and address complex issues. With changing ideas one can change his/her world, so it will be wise to consider alternative point of view, deal with several sources of information simultaneously.
Amir Gul Katohar
August 04,2009
Dream that become true
People say I am crazy, but no one can achieve anything with out a dream.” These are the words of visionary person Muhmmed Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank and inventor of ‘Micro Credit’ concept.
In Bangladesh conditions for women were worst. However Yunus believed that their poverty was not a personal problem due to laziness or lack of intelligence, but a structured one. He thought “why people, who worked 12 hours a day, seven days a week, not have enough food to eat.” He promised that he can bring big change in society and can be able to eradicate poverty from world. With very clear vision and missionary attitude he adapted idea with unique way. He granted very smaller loans to very poor people especially females. He put no conditions on them, and his idea get roots. Within 20 years number of his borrowers reached more than 20 million smart figures. Out of them 94% are women. Authentic studies indicate that about half of Grameen’s two million barrowers manage to pull themselves up over the poverty line. The women who were living like slaves in society and never touched money before and force to beg for survival of themselves and also for their children converted respect able citizens and now they are living with dignity and full of confidence.
Now a day 52 countries of world are following his idea and started Banks on same pattern. That was Yunus’s dream that became true and delighted millions of people.
In Bangladesh conditions for women were worst. However Yunus believed that their poverty was not a personal problem due to laziness or lack of intelligence, but a structured one. He thought “why people, who worked 12 hours a day, seven days a week, not have enough food to eat.” He promised that he can bring big change in society and can be able to eradicate poverty from world. With very clear vision and missionary attitude he adapted idea with unique way. He granted very smaller loans to very poor people especially females. He put no conditions on them, and his idea get roots. Within 20 years number of his borrowers reached more than 20 million smart figures. Out of them 94% are women. Authentic studies indicate that about half of Grameen’s two million barrowers manage to pull themselves up over the poverty line. The women who were living like slaves in society and never touched money before and force to beg for survival of themselves and also for their children converted respect able citizens and now they are living with dignity and full of confidence.
Now a day 52 countries of world are following his idea and started Banks on same pattern. That was Yunus’s dream that became true and delighted millions of people.
Musical Intelligence
Dr Howard Gardner in his book “frames of mind” refers musical intelligence to the capacity to appreciate a variety of musical forms as well as for composition of music able to use music as a vehicle of expression. Musically intelligent people are perceptive elements of rhythm, melody and pitch.
In fact, music has not confined boundaries to make it limited only to musical instruments. There is music in nature. Water falls, rainy showers, blowing air, waves of sea producing sweet music.
In musically intelligence context when I discussed about the same with my class fellow Asadullah Mangi, he has given his opinion in these words “we may utilize music intelligence method while in our class rooms too to get better results.” He further said “first teacher may recognize students who possess same quality, than he/she make relative activities with the help of teacher course contents. That will help shy and passive students to get good chance to come forward and prove their performance based on music learning.”
Music intelligence is also not limited to poetry poetic prose. Many writers have celebrated the music of writings. Virtually there is music in words. Flow, softness, richness and harmony feel the reader just listening music. When I read the Sindhi Novel “Oondahi
Dharti Roshan Hath” (Dark Earth, Lighting Hands) of Agha Saleem and Bano Qudsia’s Urdu Novel “Raja Gidh” (King vulture) felt like I am listening master piece of music in form of reading. “I think all good writers hear the music of good writing they have read.” Knralt
Describing music from different aspect might be way to bring positive academic changes into classroom.
Musical intelligence into classroom, for better teaching learning process.
In fact, music has not confined boundaries to make it limited only to musical instruments. There is music in nature. Water falls, rainy showers, blowing air, waves of sea producing sweet music.
In musically intelligence context when I discussed about the same with my class fellow Asadullah Mangi, he has given his opinion in these words “we may utilize music intelligence method while in our class rooms too to get better results.” He further said “first teacher may recognize students who possess same quality, than he/she make relative activities with the help of teacher course contents. That will help shy and passive students to get good chance to come forward and prove their performance based on music learning.”
Music intelligence is also not limited to poetry poetic prose. Many writers have celebrated the music of writings. Virtually there is music in words. Flow, softness, richness and harmony feel the reader just listening music. When I read the Sindhi Novel “Oondahi
Dharti Roshan Hath” (Dark Earth, Lighting Hands) of Agha Saleem and Bano Qudsia’s Urdu Novel “Raja Gidh” (King vulture) felt like I am listening master piece of music in form of reading. “I think all good writers hear the music of good writing they have read.” Knralt
Describing music from different aspect might be way to bring positive academic changes into classroom.
Musical intelligence into classroom, for better teaching learning process.
Argumentative essay "HYPRISY"
Politically, Economically, Technologically developed and powerful countries have no bilateral respectable and fair policy for their friends or underdeveloped countries. Their all actions are to serve their own interests. Here we are taking the example of America, contemporary solo supper power of the world. “United States as a global empire that reserves the right to bomb any of its subjects at any time, deriving its legitimacy directly from God.” ( Arundhati Roy 2003)1
As per policy they have no permanent enemies or friends but American interests. Saddam Husain and Taliban were their very close friends. Saddam fought baseless war against Islamic Republic of Iran for eight years and Taliban engaged for years in war against Soviet Union on American will. As time passed, Americans turned their guns towards their old allies. Saddam Husain declared most dangerous person of the earth and Taliban converted terrorists from Mujahidin.
USA has distinguished definition for democracy, “contemporary western democratic and monetary system has invented to enslave the entire world” (Hassan Nisar 2009.)2 On one hand they are advocating of democracy and on other they are supporting military dictators all world over. .
Americans were intended action against Taliban belonging to Waziristan area, “because terrorists who were active in Sawat were American spoon feed.” (Nazir Naji 2009.)3“It is believed that there are two types of Taliban i.e. Pakistani and American.” (Nazi Naji 2009)4 When Government of Pakistan refused their will and took action against terrorists of Sawat according to their own strategy, they turned angry, “the evidence of that was very low interest to help IDPs of Sawat operation.” (Nazir Naji 2009)5 Consequently “Carry Logar bill brought before senate. According to it now Americans will not provide aid to Government of Pakistan, instead of that they decide to directly contact with Provincial Governments, ministries, and NGOs for same purpose” ( Dawn 2009)
All their actions are showing their hypocrisy and proving that the words “aid, help, war on terror, democracy, and human rights” are used for propaganda to cover their vested interests instead of development and prosperity of other under developed countries.
References: 1- In May 2003 she delivered a speech entitled "Instant-Mix Imperial Democracy" at the Riverside Church in New York City
2-Hasan Nisar Choraha Daily Jang Sep 13, 2009
3 -Nazir Naji, Sawere Sawere Daily Jang Sep 13, 2009
4-Nazir Naji, Sawere Sawere Daily Jang Sep 13, 2009
5-Nazir Naji, Sawere Sawere Daily Jang Sep 13, 2009
6-Daily Dawan Sep 13, 2009
As per policy they have no permanent enemies or friends but American interests. Saddam Husain and Taliban were their very close friends. Saddam fought baseless war against Islamic Republic of Iran for eight years and Taliban engaged for years in war against Soviet Union on American will. As time passed, Americans turned their guns towards their old allies. Saddam Husain declared most dangerous person of the earth and Taliban converted terrorists from Mujahidin.
USA has distinguished definition for democracy, “contemporary western democratic and monetary system has invented to enslave the entire world” (Hassan Nisar 2009.)2 On one hand they are advocating of democracy and on other they are supporting military dictators all world over. .
Americans were intended action against Taliban belonging to Waziristan area, “because terrorists who were active in Sawat were American spoon feed.” (Nazir Naji 2009.)3“It is believed that there are two types of Taliban i.e. Pakistani and American.” (Nazi Naji 2009)4 When Government of Pakistan refused their will and took action against terrorists of Sawat according to their own strategy, they turned angry, “the evidence of that was very low interest to help IDPs of Sawat operation.” (Nazir Naji 2009)5 Consequently “Carry Logar bill brought before senate. According to it now Americans will not provide aid to Government of Pakistan, instead of that they decide to directly contact with Provincial Governments, ministries, and NGOs for same purpose” ( Dawn 2009)
All their actions are showing their hypocrisy and proving that the words “aid, help, war on terror, democracy, and human rights” are used for propaganda to cover their vested interests instead of development and prosperity of other under developed countries.
References: 1- In May 2003 she delivered a speech entitled "Instant-Mix Imperial Democracy" at the Riverside Church in New York City
2-Hasan Nisar Choraha Daily Jang Sep 13, 2009
3 -Nazir Naji, Sawere Sawere Daily Jang Sep 13, 2009
4-Nazir Naji, Sawere Sawere Daily Jang Sep 13, 2009
5-Nazir Naji, Sawere Sawere Daily Jang Sep 13, 2009
6-Daily Dawan Sep 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
تبصرن جا اطلاع حاصل ڪرڻ لاءِ:
هتي ڪلڪ ڪريو