Monday, November 23, 2009


The book selected for `Book review` that is “Art of Middle Management in Primary Schools” written by Peter flaming and Max Amesbury. (2001).

Rational for selecting this book
We are doing our M.Ed 2011 with specialization in Leadership and Management. Naturally we look for a book which would be related to our course specialization and review of same will enhance our understanding about our field. In this connection selected book fulfilled the criteria.

Themes of book
In the book school problems are discussed from management perspective, specially focused on role of middle management. This theory introduced in United Kingdom in 1980 with the aim of improving quality of teaching and enhancing the achievements of learning of pupils, and making schools accountable. However, middle management concept emerged ten years later in 1990. Ideal middle manager is one who has clear vision about his responsibilities, and he must be capable to utilize human and material resources properly. Middle manager may be a teacher, can be member or leader of team. In the process of improvement, development and change, he can face challenges, threats, obstacles, demands and dilemmas. Those actions can make him frustrate and demoralize. However working in team with collaborative and supportive culture he can be exciting, challenging, rewarding and fulfilling. For achievements of tasks and targets flexibility, accountability, critically reflective practice, autonomy and responsibility are considered essential components of success. Researchers identified that collegiate approach is best one for improving schools effectiveness. In that approach middle managers are working collaboratively, with open mind, listening team member’s opinions, and appreciating them publicly. Working in team with sharing vision, interdependent, understanding of task and responsibilities, open communication, trusting and supporting, with creativity and flexibility will lead them towards greater achievements. Middle managers can create such environment to encourage teamwork. Open, clear, honest effective communication tools must be adapted for formal or informal discussion or reports which must be fit for purpose. For middle managers assertive communication is suggested rather than aggressive or passive. For planning, understanding well organized and focused on purpose meetings increase the effectiveness of teachers as a team. Good management must be visionary however middle managers are required to be able to help colleagues for day to day tasks. It will possible when middle mangers be able to develop a system for fair and efficient use of resources. For improvement and development the quality of teaching and learning in schools, middle managers must carry on effective and innovative planning. For same cyclical process is recommended which involving audit, construction, implication and evaluation. Plan should be realistic, clear and achievable. Evaluation should be based upon collaboration, openness and critical reflection. Middle managers will protect their team from stress and be able to manage their own stresses as well. This would be possible with supportive and open culture. Managing time is crucial issue. Time is very valuable and waits for none. It is essential for managers to achieve the tasks and targets in given time frame work. Middle managers must efficient in managing time.

Personal reflections and insights
Indeed this is very useful book for teachers, head teachers to understand the role of middle management. Research proved that the schools who adapt the concept of Total Quality Management Theory have got great success in improvement and development fields. This approach is creating collaborative, supportive, trustworthy, innovative culture in schools. Open communication providing equal opportunities for entire team to share their opinions and ideas. All such steps will build trust among team members.
I have a 19 years experience of working in different Government Colleges of Sindh. There I found that majority among them are working with authoritative and traditional approaches. They feeling very comfort and fit in those prevailing environment. They not welcome new ideas. However among them I saw few who tried their level best to brought change in their respective institution but unfortunately not succeeded. That happened because their efforts were not well structured and plan. They take that risk with out vision and support of teachers, student and, community. Middle managers of our context are very for from literature. In senior professionals have vast practical experiences but they are living their own era which was finished when computer, internet and media made their roots every where in society. Less and minimum use of new innovative technology is our dilemma. Trained teachers are not applying those teaching techniques in classroom learning and head teacher is not providing resources to him. In such situations we must learn lessons from any where which are available.
For change willingness is essential but capacity to transform change is more important. Our educational system for betterment needs positive changes at large. The book “Art of Middle Management in Primary Schools” masterly written from western perspective but we can learn good lessons from it. We can find answers from their research and adopt ideas according to our own context in creative manner.

Art of middle management in primary schools is one good book written in very interestingly with simple language based on practical research and investigation. For making understanding easier author(s) used several charts, graphs, examples and pictures. The book covers many characteristics of Middle Manager as collaborative leader in improvement and development of schools. This is our deliberate action to provide knowledge to leaders who are working as middle managers in educational institution in our own context and also provide them an opportunity of comparative study as they can evaluate their roles and responsibilities and, will be able to play constructive role in change process and development/improvement of schools. Review of this book gave us chance to understand the western perspective about middle management concept and also provides opportunity to make connections from our own context. Over all I recommends this book for reading to all teachers, head teachers, supervisors and students of education as well.


Fleming, P., & Amesbury, M. (2001). The art of middle management in primary schools. London: David Fulton Publishers.

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اهم اطلاع :- غير متعلق، غير اخلاقي ۽ ذاتيارت تي مشتمل تبصرن کان پرهيز ڪريو. انتظاميه اهڙي تبصري کي ختم ڪرڻ جو حق رکي ٿي. هوئن به خيالن جو متفق هجڻ ضروري ناهي.۔ جيڪڏهن توهان جي ڪمپيوٽر ۾ سنڌي ڪيبورڊ انسٽال ٿيل ناهي ته سنڌي ۾ تبصرو لکڻ لاءِ هيٺين خاني ۾ سنڌي لکي ڪاپي ڪريو ۽ تبصري واري خاني ۾ پيسٽ ڪري پبلش بٽڻ تي ڪلڪ ڪريو.۔
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